Everything You Need to Know

Hello there. If you made it this far, congratulations! I didn't think I'd make it far enough to have an About Me, either, but here goes.

Personal Info and Other

For now, call me Melon or Honeydew. I am a woman in my mid-thirties and that's about as much personal information as I'm comfortable with giving. It's been a while. How long?
Angelfire was a free service when I started! That long.

Why Did I Make This?

I don't know. I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet. I think I might put my writing here. I might not. I dunno. I might even delete all this, I dunno.

Most of all, this place is an experiment so keep that in mind before getting too attached.

As for having any "deep" reasons for doing it, I kinda don't. I don't have any antipathy toward social media, and I guess it's because I haven't made Twitter or Instagram or Facebook my home on the web. I understand the problems with the web as it is, but I'm also aware that Web 1.0 had its fair share of problems with censorship and other forms of dickery. I'm not even talking community stuff, which was a mixed bag and will probably always be, I'm talking about things like the Tripod Massacre and even the death of Geocities itself. So I'm approaching this experimental thing with a sense of open-eyed nostalgia. There was plenty of stuff to miss in the old web but also, plenty of stuff I don't miss nearly as much. But that's just me, and that's just what I'm looking for out of this. Some fun.

Things I Can Promise:

So the plan is that this little corner of the web will be all the stuff I loved from the old days of the web while having learned from the mistakes of the past, from both myself and others. Therefore, while I can't promise super-sleek web design one could find on a Squarespace or Wix page, I canpromise the following:

Trivial Trivia

Here are some random facts.

You can go home again